Submariner homage reviews

2011-12-28 - Paolo Verni
submariner homage watch reviews

"better quality look"

I love the solid clasp hinge of this submariner homage. I really liked the better quality look of it compared to the stamped, flat hinge of the usual submariner homage clasps of this style watch (Submariner homage)

Paolo Verni - Milano
2011-12-23 - Pedro Aimar
submariner homage watch

"a plus option"

The Hacking option is really a plus of this watch homage: the second hand stops when the stem is pulled for setting the time. A feature called hacking. Handy for synchronizing watches, or setting the watch with a standard clock like WWV. My other two submariner homages don't have this option.

Pedro Aimar - Buenos Aires
2011-12-15 Rob Talley
submariner homage watch

"on this watch the cyclops is real"

Generally submariner homage's cyclops tend not to be very effective, but on this watch the cyclops is real and you really see the difference. It has the bracelet center links polished, I'm not crazy about it, so I think I will brush them. A part of that, I wear it every single day. I don't leave my house without it ;).

Rob Talley - Philadelphia
2011-12-10 - Jenny Bay
submariner homage watch

"I really like this submariner watch"

I know that this is a men's watch, but I couldn't resist. I really did like the style and I tryed. What a nice surprise: I love the bracelet, is solid and stong. After me, two of my friends ordered it. It doesn't ship from China and it got here very fast. Really worthed the money.

Jenny Bay - California

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